Thursday, September 30, 2010


            NEW YEAR READING.

Where ever we are, books seem to be around us. The first thing I pack for a holiday is a book. When you are alone , a book is your best friend… it does not answer back and can be put out of sight when ever you have read enough.
I feel one of the most exciting moments in my life was the day I could read.. The pleasure and joy of reading books, magazines, newspapers, catalogues and even a dictionary, still excites me.

Here are a few of the good books we have had in the book club lately.


This was originally written in Hebrew and we are lucky it has been translated for us to enjoy.
It is the story of a young Rumanian Jewish immigrant in the 1950s, set in Haifa. It is a portrait of the poverty, struggles and the social and historic climate of the time  We are  given  a delicate and  deep insight to real  issues they dealt with.
Life was tough, the country was growing and the  daily battles to survive were mingled with laughter and tears.  This is the story of a neighborhood and a nation.   It is being called the Israeli “Kite Runner” . It is a great book to give to a young adult……………. An insight for them about the early days in our land.

This is the story of a German couple in Berlin, who are active in illegal activities. They become anti Nazi when their son is killed in France in 1940. It is an amazing document of the ordinary German , the resistance of the of the small man.  The everyday scenes, like putting bread on the table, the bouts of drinking, that leave people in a haze are sad. They try to be activists to give voice to their anger and frustrations.
 The author Fallada, has written other books you might know, “Wolf among wolves” and “Drinker”  and the book that brought him success “Little Man – what Now?”

 This is written by the historian, writer and professor, Zvi Ankori.
His first novel was ‘”CHESTNUTS OF YESTERYEAR” .
“As a Palm in the Desert” takes us on a journey across five
Continents, spanning half a century and three generations. We  read about the Revolutions, the Holocaust and  the early days of the foundation of our state ISRAEL . The  history and life in TARNOW in Ukraine, is the most fascinating and descriptive reading. I loved the stories, the customs and the fact that the characters, sites, dates and events are all authentic.  This autobiography of an individual becomes the collective biography of an entire generation…..simply fascinating and wonderful reading.

A search for six of six million. The holocaust was such a large operation, that we can never finish with the stories of horror, destruction and loss. Here is a book that tells of the story of a single family’s fate. The investigations, the letters, the early stories of beautiful families, are all woven into a large tapestry that is written in the most fascinating way. History, cultures, joys, sadness, laughter and tears are part of the story of the Jewish community of BOLECHOW , POLAND {NOW UKRAINE}

This is a wonderful book to read, to learn about an era we did not experience and to gain the knowledge in a most thought-provoking  story.

======================================================A fascinating  epic of contemporary  love and marriage. The story captures the temptations and burdens of a free society…………… too much liberty, too much of everything.
 We read into the thoughts of the teenager, the young married, middle age, the suburbs and the struggles of a confused world.       This writer wrote “THE CORRECTIONS” about postwar American family life. It received much public attention.
This is a book of over five hundred pages and the first part is about the people, families, their life style and environment   And then if becomes an  analysis of what could be changed, what should be done and why we have  to do what is not always convenient. We have to see the bigger picture, the vision for our children and grandchildren, how to save this planet, which ideas to implement.

I find this very interesting reading because it is the America we hear about…………

Please send me names of good books you have enjoyed. Send them to my email address…………….

Have a good week and love and light

Sunday, September 19, 2010



As the weather grows cooler, we search for warmer and nourishing foods. Just take stock of what is available at the Market now. Firstly the guavas are the indication that we need Vitamin C. Then mandarins, narchies, oranges and grapefruit follow. All the fruits of winter.  Bananas remain a good source of Magnesium and Potassium, but load up on citrus fruits and juices.

If you make a habit to drink water as you rise, followed by a glass of boiled water with lemon juice in it, you will help to keep the system free of colds and sore throats.  The lemon juice tones the system too. Skip lots of caffeine, rather have fruit drinks, cinnamon teas and drinks like” Fortune Delight” lemon or cinnamon. These can be obtained from distributor in USA 480 2032871  -  Aaron.  I have one large glass mid morning and  another later in the day . I also recommend the “Vitadophillus” for kiddies and older people. This is a booster for the body. It is acidophillus in powder form that kids adore the  apple taste.  It   is easy to swallow or drink in a glass of milk or citrus fruit.

Eating a sane and sensible breakfast is vital. Cook oats, or a good cereal, granola or muesli. Yogurt and cut up  fruits, raisins and nuts are a good meal too. 

Buy good vegetables, lentils, beans, brown rice and rice pasta, wholewheat pasta and use these for quick meals.


Boil the pasta , add a little olive oil and vegetable salt.
 Sauces…………..sauté two chopped onions, a few scallions, a clove of garlic, two peeled tomatoes,chopped parsley and a few basil leaves. Add vegetable salt and pepper .You can stir in two cups of yogurt and two tablespoons of grated cheese…………….stir carefully and serve over the  pasta.


Cook two cups of brown rice and stir fry vegetables. They need to be sliced in an attractive way. Use onions, garlic and a grated carrot as a base.  Then add diced zucchini,  cauliflower, diced tomatoes, a red pepper, sliced green onions,  a few pieces of thinly sliced ginger, a dash of cinnamon and
a teaspoon of curry powder. You can even add  a few sliced mushrooms into the mixture.  Stir and spice with added salt and pepper. Serve over the rice with grated cheese over it all.  This can be made ahead of time and combined to serve. You can steam the rice to keep it hot and the vegetables can be warmed over a low flame.   Serve a green salad on the side with some sunflower seeds in it.   

Serve a thick broth of soup with sandwiches of crusty bread with butter and grated cheese over it. Just grill in the oven for a few minutes and serve on the side plate with a bowl of soup.


Choose a pumpkin, sweet potato soup, or broccoli and serve with a  flaky Pastry pie. Just roll the pastry thinly and fill with vegetables that have been steamed . You can do them in the pan with a little oil as an alternative. I make a mixture of diced potato, grated carrot, half a cup  of peas and    chopped onions. Sauté in a little olive oil. Add salt and pepper.  Remove the pan from the heat and add a cup of grated Bulgarian cheese and mix it all. I roll the dough and place the mixture in and roll up Close edges with warm water. You can brush a beaten egg on the top for a shine and glazed look. Make it a size you can handle to place on a greased oven pan.  Bake in a hot oven for twenty minutes and cut into thick slices and serve on the side plate with steaming hot soup.

 Once the family has a hot meal, they will need less snacks and  worthless  salty items. You can always have washed apples, pears ,bananas and citrus fruits   in the kitchen for a quick snack.  

Winter can be good quality time, just plan for it and have good foods  in the home.
Take time to do family projects in the evenings. Photo albums, mending, knitting and maybe learning to put on a button. You do not have to be a rocket scientist for these easy tasks, but they do help when a button pops off a shirt or a hem needs mending.  Learning to polish and keep exercise and track shoes in order is necessary too.  Gym bags need to be checked and cleaned.Lastly realize that all the things your kids have grown out of, could be useful for others.  Jackets, coats, hats and sports clothes are good to pass on. My young grandson, collects these items for the less lucky people in our communities and I am proud of his efforts.. By remembering others  we contribute in easy ways.

Have a good week   Love and light Rona

Saturday, September 11, 2010



 We all have ideas about resolutions for   a New Year. They begin with what  we can change and where we can improve our lives and   see our dreams come true.
 We  need to make a better world,  to be more aware of our environment, the  seas, water, trees, animals, birds and insects, bees and flowers. They all create a balance for earth and a harmony of nature.
 Our mental list should be for the creation of a better world for future generations.
Let us begin with nature, precious commodities  and an appreciation of what is good in our lives. The gratitude for what we have must not be taken for granted. We need to help the less  fortunate and show the uneducated a road of discovery. Children need to be treated kindly and the challenged members of society need our empathy and patience.  In order to understand all the facets of a society, we need to learn, volunteer and see another persons point of view .

Economic woes, financial disasters, unemployment and natural disasters, throw us into turmoil. We can suffer loss of identity, self esteem and confidence. Our lives are then threatened and our relationships suffer stress.  This is when we need to be there for each other. Help by listening and showing support in bleak times.  Helping fellow man is a measure of who we are.


 Nobody has a perfect life. We can, however choose to make the best of what we have. Make a list of what really matters and you will see how rich you are. Discard the negative, accentuate the positive and find joy in laughter, a good joke, a cup of tea and fun time with children and grandchildren.

I made my list and one of the items is to improve
the area of choices related to food and eating habits.. We will find foods that are more natural, free of added coloring and chemicals,   fresh and made under logical food standards, with the backing of food tests and controls.  Drinks must be alcohol free, natural, fresh juices and clean water. Choose less caffeine and drink herb teas and fresh herbs .
Choose meals that are simple   FOODS OF THE SEASON,  and vegetables and fruits grown locally.

Try to have hobbies that fill the days, read good books, enjoy  music and pleasant radio programs, skip trash TV and find worthwhile programs to watch. Join a new club, broaden your interest and try to meet new  people with interests  you  can share. It could be travel, museums and concerts, archeology and   sight seeing. Find time to learn a new hobby, teach kids English, how  to knit and sew or bake a cake, make an object out of wood, how to repair a bicycle puncture. What you might have forgotten . the youngsters need to learn. Share your knowledge and enjoy the satisfaction of watching the joy of discovery on a child’s face.

The list of what you can do is endless…..a few ideas are helping the old, delivering foods to people who are restricted to their homes. You can volunteer to collect winter clothing and blankets, bake for kids  in  homes where there are difficulties, assist once a week at a nursery school or simply read to a few kids. They love hearing another language and   stories of days you remember. Recycle magazines, clothes, toys, records and household goods. Find all the things you do not need and give them to a second hand store.  Someone will walk in and treasure your throw a ways
 Have a basket for the birds on your balcony or garden. Use a small container for herbs and small tomatoes and onions. Watching something grow, is good for the soul. Place a flower in your home daily. A fresh bloom, leaves or a herb plant has a magical affect in a room. Energize your home with a crystal on the TV or near the phone. Crystals bring calm, peaceful and harmonious vibrations everywhere.

 Let your prayers be meaningful and include those who need healing and love. Light a candle to bring light to dark areas.

I wish you emotional balance, sweet days, soft vibrations around you and the joy of good days.