Monday, January 28, 2013


Our sources of iron are found in liver, poultry, beef, lamb and shell fish. Vegetarians
have iron in spinach, eggs, sesame seeds, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, wheat germ, rice, whole wheat bread, prunes, dates, peaches, raisins. Pears, dried apricots, watermelon and dark green vegetables and herbs. Lentils and soya beans, tofu, avocado, beets and brewers yeast are a good source too.

Here are some iron rich ideas.


Sauté two cups of button mushrooms in a little olive oil, two chopped onions and a few crushed garlic cloves. Chop up two tablespoons of parsley and dill. Stir this into the mushroom mixture.
Take three cups of spinach and chop into pieces. Add two teaspoons pine nuts and two tablespoons of pecan or walnuts. I add salt and pepper and a little grated ginger. Mix all and sauté for a few minutes. If you have sprouts, you can stir these in for a minute or two. I serve this with mashed potatoes or on a bed of polenta. {cooked corn}


Wash five prunes, five apricots, two tablespoons of raisins, one teaspoon of pine kernels, cinnamon, two tablespoons of cranberries or any you have, half a cup of orange juice and a large cup of water. Place on a low flame and cook for twenty minutes. Eat this once a day.
Develop a habit of eating prunes and apricots instead of candies.
'Wash all dried fruit carefully……………….


Wash three cups of spinach and tear into bite size pieces .Soak two tablespoons of cranberries overnight in a little balsamic vinegar. Add this to the salad dressing. This can be olive oil, a few pine nuts, a teaspoon of honey, cloves of garlic, grated ginger and a little lemon juice, and one grated green apple. Arrange this all on a lovely salad plate and grate feta cheese over it all. I serve this with a pasta dish or as a starter with a good warm bread. You really feel the benefit of eating fresh, healthy salads. Enjoy
be olive oil, a few pine nuts, a teaspoon of honey, cloves of garlic, grated ginger and a little lemon juice, and one grated green apple . Arrange this all on a lovely salad plate and grate feta cheese over it all. I serve this with a pasta dish or as a starter with a good warm bread. You really feel the benefit of eating fresh, healthy salads. ENJOY… LOVE AND LIGHT RONA

Fabulous kosher, vegetarian and practical ideas to make Passover easier and full of new tips.

 to order this booklet,  send me
your name, address and 35 shekels  It will be posted to you. Rona Kruger   P. O. Box 1140
Netanya 42112.  If it is  for a gift, I will gift wrap it for you.    09 8827072

Saturday, January 26, 2013

We all love exploring the countyside after the rains. The  excitement of green lush fields, the shades of different greens of trees and foliage and the feeling that the earth, trees and hills, are filled with water and possibility of new growth , is wonderful.

We went to Gilboa up north and did a lovely trail. We walked along and saw all varieties of the Anemone family bursting through rocks, little clumps of earth and hiding in the shade of lovely fern like growth. There are ranunculus too.  There were masses of pastel  shades, pinks, lilacs, dark pinks and white cyclamens graciously tossing their heads into the sun. What a treat

Dozens of families, kiddies, strollers, dogs and excited photographers  were part of the joyous groups along the paths. We did the Barkan walk and I recommend you to grab the picnic baskets,  water, cameras  and family and just do is the time to catch the early blooms of Winter. Soon the lupines and  iris will be in bloom.

Nature in her glory is food for the soul. After tiring weeks of concrete, city congestion, impatient drivers on the highways, endless red stop light, you need GREEN.  Green hills, green to relax the soul and give you the feeling a a deep breath of energy and nature.  Make time to go out and enjoy the world around you  Walk slowly and take in all the little things, see the changing seasons, hear the birds and make sure you tune in to the gentle vibration of earth. Feel the new energies and a deep appreciation of the beauty of a wonderful world.
 Have a wonderful winter..............  Love and light .Rona

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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

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sts By Others

  • I often receive emails that explain why I have all the assortment of friends in my life. Some to speak to , others who listen, some who are fun, good sports to go out with, great company over a dinner with wine. There are those who advise me, tell me what to do and how.......... explain what I said that was wrong, give me tips I store in my memory box and even some who tell me my doctor is wrong, my payments for services are weird and finally those who make me feel each day they matter more.

    The general idea that socializing with people, being in groups with their dynamics .different opinions and interests are healthy, is spreading. There is nothing new here. People need people, kids need friends and no matter what our age is, we need like minded folks in our daily circle I have always treasured my friends and need them daily in my life. I like knowing their good news and sharing the things that make them proud. I am always ready to share their problems and hold a hand that needs comfort.

    The warmth of family and friends is therapeutic, rewarding and infuses our souls with love and joy. I am reading book that was written in 1975 by Irving Stone "The Greek Treasure" It is about the hunt for the city of Troy. A great read. The love and warmth of the Greek family fills many pages and we feel how it is part of the DNA of each one of the clan. The film "Greek Wedding" also gave us that warmth, the general attitude that everything that happens in the family, is of vital news and importance.
    Wellness, self esteem and feelings of being cared about. promote good health, overcome loneliness and depression from our lives.

    Remember that we can make life more meaningful daily, by sharing , caring and loving our friends and families. No one is perfect and neither are we. No one knows all the answers and we learn daily. Experience and living life are tools that enrich our lives.

    Folks, take this day and make it splendid for all of you. You will gain joy, feel warmth and spread the magic called Happiness.
    love and light Rona

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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Sunday, January 6, 2013

2013.....................................  Start the year with healthy and mindful decisions.

Make this the year that you THINK what you eat.
Make this the year that you care what happens to our friends the animals, the fish and birds.
 Make this the year that you plant vegetables and fruits to eat.
 Make this the year that you ARE WHAT YOU EAT.
 Let this be the year that you only put good food and nourishment into your body, that is your Temple

 Diets. I do not recommend diets. You diet for two weeks and lose fourteen days.
I do not like fads and trends. No success with starving to lose weight  for a while.
Listen to Dr Oz, he is sense and understands where we live, what we are faced with  concerning food choices. . Read Dr Dean Ornish,   he is  amazing about soul food for mind and physical wellness.
Read Dr Mercola for more knowledge about minerals and vitamins, foods for people and animals. .
Please ask Grandma what they ate for breakfast This is the PLACE to start.
Grandma is 80 and she reached this age with a good programme for eating. No car runs without petrol, oil and water. No body is ready for an 8 hour day on nothing, just coffee at work.  Look after your bodies needs, know what the intake of foods and nutrients should be. Find time to care for your health.

I like people who think about a school lunch box.  They are caring about their  family and kids.
I like kids who fill the dogs  bowl with fresh water daily.
I am happy that the birds get some food in a seed box in the garden and I love people who remember that
 gardens are a place of growth for fruits and vegetables,

 Plan to EAT what is in season. The price is right, the food is local and fresh.
 Plan to make food simple. Pasta will not turn into the plum fairy if you decorate it with eleven ingredients
 Plan to use lemon juice, olive oil and  herbs for a healthy salad dressing.
Do not choose fifty shades of juices for cooking, forty ways to make an omelette  and thirty days of alternative ideas for a zucchini 
Steam vegetables, bake vegetables. eat them raw and  enjoy their ordinal taste.
 Buy a grater, blender and vegetable slicer for  quick and easy preparation.
Include the family in meal preparation. This is where they learn.
 Keep shopping basic and simple. Healthy grain breads, they do not need twenty nuts, cranberries, sliced pears, olives and all that jazz.  Eat those separately. Just keep it simple and healthy.
Butter is butter, do not add mayonnaise, or spicy mustard s. Eat butter as butter.
Cook oats, semolina, rice, barley, lentils, beans , kasha, quinoa   and pasta as they are

Use good Kitchen utensils for cooking and storage. Glass is the best. Plastic is out for storage these days  Keep glass in the fridge . Do not freeze in foil. Use paper to wrap the cheeses and cut vegetables

Remember food advice is endless. Just take into account that you as parents set the example.
Eat at the table and allow only cut up carrots, apples and nuts at the TV.
Check that  elimination of the kids is regular.
 Drink water and do not even have soda pops and sugary stuff in the house. Use herb teas after a meal.
Eat SLOWLY and CHEW foods.
Do not eat if you are upset or angry.
 Eat with sense of gratitude and MINDFULL NESS of what you are putting into your body.

Bon Appetit and have lovely, nourishing, relaxed meals.
Love and light  ...RONA   .