Monday, December 7, 2015


Saturday, November 21, 2015



Monday, November 16, 2015


"Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but also the parent of others."

"Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but also the parent of others."

Thank you is a word that should be with us daily and constantly. We are so fortunate to have what we need, a home, food, education and to be free to live our lives with dignity.
Remember that each person has their own way to give thanks and while some do it at prayer, when they bless the food they eat, when they reap a crop, it is an individual way of saying Thanks for what we have. 

Education, Democracy, Justice and a Government that leads the people and creates an environment of Peace and Harmony, are a great deal to be grateful for. 
So wishing you all a day of togetherness with those you love and time to reflect and feel wonderful for what we are blessed with.

Thanksgiving gifts, cards and little messages are a part of the day. Sit down now, while you have time and select the gifts, write love notes, wrap them carefully and they are ready to give with love. Post the gifts to the soldiers far away now and to love one that cannot be with you. (See the blog re SOLDIERS)

Plan the menu, tables and décor and buy it all now. 
A large tray with all kind of candles on it, is lovely for the family to light. Let each person say their own thank you and light up the candles
Plan the food you can cook ahead and freeze. Make a selection of cookies and cakes now. Have spare plates and cutlery for extra meals during the day and have small containers for left over foods. It is easier to pack them into the fridge. 

Prepare natural drinks and extra juices, beers and lollipops for the kids. You can never win. No matter what, the demand is great, 

Saturday, November 7, 2015

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Saturday, October 24, 2015

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

 The only people you need in your Life, are the ones that make time for you. Do not make someone a priority if they only consider you an option.

Look for the beauty in each day. No one has  it easy all the time, so be aware that kindness, a gentle word, a smile, a cup of coffee, a  light in the darkness is a real help
. Be tolerant of people who suffer from depression, low esteem, mental inbalance and cannot cope with the world we live in. Many of us pass them daily and may forget to say HI.
 Find new ways to help less lucky people. Remember the old folks still need a smile and sweet words.  Do not judge others . None of us are perfect. Take advice. Allow people to help you and remember we are learning all the time.

I am grateful for what I find easy to cope with. I pray for help and energy to cope with the rest. I look for ways to put light and joy into each day and I go to sleep with a prayer, gratitude and thanks for what I have.  Wake each day with a gentle heart and find the  pebbles on the beach that are waiting to be touched and love.

Love and light, Rona

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Sunday, August 2, 2015

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Tuesday, July 21, 2015

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I always think that we take life for granted. If you live in Israel you take it for granted that the  summer is hot , humid, but soft nights make you forget the heaviness of the day. Each moment has its light and dark. Each day has its good and bad. Each person we meet has different  sides of a personality. We   behave and act one way for our family, friends,  associates at work and people we deal with  in society.   When we are mature enough to respect people for who they are, then we behave in   a more adult and appropiate way.  Try to be  kinder, more gentle with our words, careful with our thoughts and  more considerate with people who are from different cultures.   Being  a decent person gives you a better sense of value about who you are..    Look around at the people you admire. Think why you admire them. Check what you do daily that could be improved. In what way could you behave that would be inspiring and   enchance the way you feel at the end of a day about you as a person?    Take time to make a plan about living. Live life and love it. Make your day good by being aware of people along the way. No one is perfect, but strive to be a better person.   Life is about joy.   Live with happy moments you create. Make joy for good events and create happy days for those you love.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Saturday, April 18, 2015

  Passover and Easter are over,\. Now for new designs of eating.  SANE AND SENSIBLE.   Try to eat foods in season, grown locally. 
 Eat fresh foods once a day. 
Go for a few raw vegetables. Drink as a juice or eat as salad.
Steam vegetables, or bake and eat these once a day.
 Eat fruit  and wash them   well Chew slowly and eat the fruit of the season
 When eating melons, watermelon or grapes, eat alone or leave alone. Not after a huge meal, eat as a snack or mini meal. 

Drink water as you  get up in the morning. Cleanse mouth with water and then drink water slowly   . Drink between meals , not with eating.
Drink teas, lemon, mint and light teas. 
Skip alcohol, just for occasions.

Eat slowly. Eat regular meals, especially breakfast  Rushing?  Make a lunch pack at night for breakfast in the morning.
 Do you have a  fridge at work? Then have yogurt, , granola , some fruit and nuts there to make a meal. Have a banana, an apple and some cheeses for a light lunch. Make a salad without the dressing and have olive oil and lemon at work to add to the cut up vegetables. 

Do not make it all a bother. Good habits create lightness of the body, healthy foods for energy and great eating habits.

You can look after yourselflef with very little effort  YOU are worth the effort. So do it tomorrow. 

You must feed your kids with a breahfast, a school lunch a cooked meal , served with love and a smil;e. It is the least a resposible Mom does.

Keep junk out of your home. Serve good fruit and nuts, washed dried fruit as snacks. Crackers and a cheese dip with vegetables is a good  TV snack.

Remember the earth has great food   EAT FOOD and skip junk.  Have a great week Love and light Rona 

Sunday, April 12, 2015

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Friday, March 20, 2015

 7/3/2015  14/3/2013
16/3 2009
11/2 2009
 27/2/2010   AND MANY MORE


Sunday, March 15, 2015

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Saturday, March 7, 2015


This week you have to take time to create menus and shop for it all. Let the meals be easy organized, and with double cooking and baking, you will have a relaxed and pleasant 
week.. Do what ever you can do today. The stores and parking are difficult and at the last minute unexpected issues crop up……use today efficiently.

Take time to cool food properly anr store carefully, Keep the fridge organized and not over crowded with items you do not need. Cool drinks can be kept elsewhere and water can be chiiled with ice cubes on Passover day. Ice cube trays can be used for relishes, pesto and chopped parsley that is mixed with olive oil. This can be used for cooking all week. 

The Seder requires a lot of cooking and last minute work. Once the cleaning is done and the Passover plates, cutlery and dishes are in place, you can start to cook. I always do the main course first and while they need attending to in the oven, I make the soup and prepare one dessert. The Passover plate needs a little planning and that can be done with the help of the kids during the day of Passover Seder.

Have the wines and drinks ready ahead of time. Buy the cans you need, the condiments, chrain, sauces and relishes now. Buy the gifts and candies today.
Now for ideas for meals……count how many adults and kids. Who is vegetarian? Any people who have special diets.? How many babies who need pureed food?????????????? Now make a large sheet and on it write people, days, breakfast, lunch, supper. Tea time treats.

You need Matzos and the pieces for AFIKOMEN
The bowl to wash hands. Little towels to dry hands.
Saltwater to dip Karpas in.
Charoset. Make a large bowl of this with lots of nuts that are ground. Be aware that some kids cannot digest nuts or are allergic. For those I make charoset with dates, raisins and orange juice. .
Hard boiled eggs for everyone.
Soup and matzo balls. 
I make a very large platter with olives, cucumbers, asparagus, carrot sticks, sliced peppers, tomatoes and boiled eggs. Have chrain and charoset on the tray as a relish. This is eaten by everyone and the kids love the choices. I even have chopped parsley, lettuce and baby leaves as a salad..
Beetroot salad is good to have . Look at my beetroot recipes (Sept 17th)
This can be made and kept for a few days.
Carrot Salad (October 11th) this can be eaten the next day too.
Cauliflower, Sweet Potatoes and Baked Potatoes can be done and used the nest day. You just sprinkle olive oil on and bake them,after they are steamed.
Consider having tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers in abundance for quick, fresh salads. Avocadoes make a good dressing with olive oil and herbs. Add orange or lemon juice to make it drizzle.
Tzimmes, that is carrots, onions, garlic and prunes, make a great baked vegetable dish.
Mushrooms are sensational on matzo. Just bake a medley of cut up mushrooms with onions, garlic, herbs and sprinkle olive oil liberally over the mushrooms. You can add white wine, or just add a cup of boiling water and bake covered. I keep them parave and if left over, blend them into a spread for matzo or on omelets.
Potatoes. Roast are the best. Just cut up and pre boil them for 10 minutes. Then season with salt and pepper, rosemary and olive oil. Bake and serve with a little chopped parsley. Sweet Potatoes. I steam sliced potatoes and bake them with a sprinkling of honey and cinnamon and olive oil. Good hot or cold.
Eggplant. I slice a few, arrange in a dish. I cover them with herbs like oregano, vegetable salt, black pepper, a full cup of tomato puree and a cup of boiling water and two tablespoons of olive oil. Cover and bake for thirty minutes. Excellent cold as well.



Simply wash good fruit and cube . Arrange pineapples, Orange slices, Pears, grapes, in fact all the things in season. I cube apples or cut in rounds and steam them and pears. Them I put them on the kebabs with a date, apricot and mixed fruits. This way they do not discolor. 


Great to make a few days ahead. Easy to warm up and serve for parave pudding with jelly, or with a dairy meal with ice cream..

Cook apples and puree them, without the skins, for the babies and the older folk.


Core twelve apples, prick the skins and place in an oven dish. Fill the centers with cut up apricots, raisins and a little cinnamon. I fill the dish half way with orange juice or water with a tea bag in it. These can be served hot after the main meal, or eaten with a blob of ice cream or yogurt. If you need a quick pie, just blend the apples with a little water and fill a pie dish. For Passover use coconut and butter, in place of flour. Watch for cake recipes next time.


Look at my article on Strawberries for quick and easy ideas. (March 11th)

Have fun preparing and I will be in touch when we are in the swing of cooking.




We all live a very busy life these days. Sometimes we are tired too early in the day. Others do not sleep at the end of a day. Some people look half asleep most of the day. But in fact, we are all human beings with different natures, attitudes and needs.

When you look at each day, find out what makes it good. Is it the family, your car, the work place, the end of the day, a. good friend? Perhaps a great book, the music you hear while you wind your way through traffic?

I feel my own attitude is what determines how my day will be. When I wake up and need to move into the day, it is me, who will create the blue print for the next 24 hours.

I need to take a few deep breaths and find my diary. With a pen and paper I sort out the lists. I find it easier to jot them down and leave my mind clear for lovely thoughts and time to think during the hours ahead. I sort the page into TO DO and BUY and PAY, REPAIR AND FETCH……………then the times I have appointments, where to go and phone numbers I need that day. I always make my list in columns and write large and clearly.

If the day has serious demands, I know I need to have some time for Meditation and quiet moments to ease the stresses the day could cause. A good cup of tea and a small snack, is calming and restores the body balance. Energy is restored and you can carry on.

Be positive in all you do and plan to spend time with people who are cheerful and bright. Even if we all have problems, there are ways to handle them Some people want to share a cup of coffee, and not listen to all the issues you have in your basket. Their own might be fuller and if listening could solve them all….it would be great. But in fact we need each other to be there to share and enjoy the time we can, away from insoluble problems

You are a reflection of your inner self. A weary dressing gown and slippers, never looks anything but weary. The same with a house coat or apron. It is inscribed with tiredness and exhaustion. Rather get up and get dressed, dab on a little make up and lipstick. Look how you would like to feel. Care to make an effort. The time involved in looking a mess or lovely, is a few minutes. Go for the LOVELY look.

Remember that when family comes home, the ambience, fragrance and warmth of the home, is what makes a heavy day, beautiful.

Skip the horrors of TV, put on good music. Forget about the fancy dessert, just be a smiling person that’ is lovely to be with at dinner.

Find time to speak to each child and once a week go out with hubby, to give him a chance to talk. It does not have to be a whole evening; an hour or two is magic. Show the people around you, that other people matter. They benefit from a little attention and caring time. Put your arm around the one you love and make place for dreams.



Saturday, February 14, 2015


Sunday, February 8, 2015

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Friday, February 6, 2015

Monday, January 26, 2015

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Sunday, January 25, 2015

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Thursday, January 22, 2015


When you plan winter meals, do the cooking in the afternoons and it will warm-up the kitchen and the aromas will float out the windows, welcoming the hungry family home. Nothing like home cooking, soups, a stew ,a quiche and casseroles, fresh bread and large platters of pasta.

Keep a supply of winter pastas, grains, lentils, oats, barley, wheat, rice, couscous, quinoa and burghul.
Soups can be made for a day or two at a time. Use family time to share the peeling of vegetables, cutting and creating pots of soup. When you teach a kid to make soup, they can use their skills when they go camping, hiking and simply for fun.
Use fresh herbs and delicate spices. Cool soups before you put them in the fridge. If you freeze them, label properly, names and date,. .

1 1/2 cup of lentils. I use mainly brown, and some orange thrown in too.
3 potatoes and 3 sweet potatoes.2 diced onions and 2 cloves garlic.
I cup of diced pumpkin and 1 whole peeled turnip that you remove at the end.
1 teaspoon of curry powder, salt and pepper. 1 Tablespoon of dried onions.

Rinse the lentils and drain.
Sautee the onions and garlic in 2 teaspoons olive oil on a low flame. Place everything in a large saucepan with all the vegetables that are peeled and diced. Bring to the boil on a medium flame and let it simmer for a minute or two and then turn the flame lower and let it cook for forty minutes. Cool and blend it all.
Serve it with a few tablespoons of chopped parsley or chives, a few peas or diced carrots sprinkled with a few sunflower seeds on the .top ,When you add the fresh vegetables at the end, they give the dish energy Try it and you will see it is delicious..


Wash and dice all the vegetables you have. Carrots, beans, pumpkin, potatoes, onions, garlic, leaves of parsley, fennel, a little cabbage, broccoli, spring onions and celery. Add three tablespoons barley, green split peas and rice. I put in some salt , pepper and a little paprika. There is a product made from vegetables, called MARMITE and this is a good flavor for soups. Use a teaspoon to a pot. I use dark miso and find it very tasty. When you use a stick of Kombu, remove it before the end. I like KOMBU, as it gives a balance to the soup.

Cook this with water on a medium flame until it boils. Lower and cook for 40 minutes. Cool and blend, leaving some vegetables whole in the plate of soup when you serve it. You can sprinkle a teaspoon of grated Parmesan cheese on the soup. A few chopped chives, sprigs of parsley and for parave meals, cut up squares of toast.

3 Cups of diced pumpkin, 4 diced potatoes, 2 onions, cut up into small pieces.
Sautee the onions in two teaspoon of olive oil. Place the onions, diced potatoes and pumpkin into 7 cups of water and bring to the boil.. Cook for 15 minutes and check that the vegetables are soft.. cool and blend them.
Add I cup yogurt, a pinch of curry powder and a teaspoon of grated ginger, or half a teaspoon of chives, parsley, some sunflower seeds and chunks of wholesome breads with herbed butters.

Winter meals are the best served with softer lights, colorful cloths, pretty serviettes and pots of herbs as centre. pieces of the table setting.

Serve the soups with little extras like gated cheese in a bowl, cut up squares of toast, herbed croutons and a few cut up boiled potatoes.
I make herbed croutons from left over breads. Just mix olive oil and oregano, basil and salt and pepper. Fry lightly in a pan and serve as a snack. Cooked chick peas, sprinkled with salt are another snack with soups.

Winter night are time to relax, just to sit a little longer, reflect, think and dream. Let the night be gentle, listen to music, read and take time to curl up and just be.

Love and light Rona

    We all have days in winter when we feel down and under the weather.  First thing is stop and think  what you have been doing, eating, how is your sleep and exercise.  If you feel stuffy, full of mucous  blocked and choking early in the morning with blocked passages, stop dairy foods for a day or two.  Drink more water.  You forget in winter that the body still needs water.  Have teas like Chamomile  Sunrider Fortune Delight, the cinnamon  flavor or lemon, drink  Green Tea, boiling water with a few slices of lemon, mint leaves and honey.
For sore throats and bronchial passages that hurt, have grated ginger, or two ginger cubes in boiling water . You buy these ginger'candies' sugared or unsugared at the health stores. Just  drop two into a cup of boiling water at night, cover with  a saucer. Drink this is the morning, as you begin the day You will be amazed that after a few days the mouth and throat feel clean and fresh.  For prevention of flu have a basket on onions in the kitchen area the whole winter. They send colds out the window. Old wives tale?   It works.

Make light meals in the evening, steamed vegetables, a light omelette  a salad and natural dressing of lemon and olive oil.  Skip  fancy sauces and rich foods. You can have a bowl of oatmeal cooked in water or milk, with cinnamon and a few raisins,   flax seeds and bran. Excellent for the system
Soup is a good evening meal with wholewheat toast, or  brown rice in it.
Eat slowly and with a sense of mindfulness   If you eat at the table, sitting in a comfortable position, the food tastes good and you feel like you have had a meal. TV eating does not give meal satisfaction.. It only lasts until the next food advertisement and then you eat more..
Eat an orange and another citrus fruit daily in winter. Eating the fruit is important  Drinking orange juice is good, but drink it slowly. Let it start 'digestion' in the mouth.

Have bedtime drinks that are caffeine free. Skip the coffee and strong  tannin in teas. Have hot milk, or soy milk  and water, with a dash of cinnamon., Delicious and good. Have the juice of  half a grapefruit in a glass of boiling water wit a dash of honey  Great TV time drink in a tall glass.   Make a treat  Boil water in a pot, about two cups per person, add a few slices of Oranges , grated apple and the peels, two cloves, cinnamon 
and honey.  Strain  Drink hot, lovely apple cider. If you wish you can add a tea bag when it is  ready..

Make sure kids drink water when they brush their  teeth in the morning and evening. It does not have to be a large quantity, but it is healthy for the bowels and general well being.

Make sure sleep areas are well ventilated during the day and keep the kiddies in a bed that the sheets are tucked in., When the duvet slips off, they are often uncovered....

Be happy, be well and have a cosy winter Love and light Rona..

Mushrooms are one of my favorite treats. They are a culinary delight and have good food value. They are so easy to prepare and look fabulous cooked or raw. You can use them in stews, grill, steam, bake and fry them Mushrooms add flavor to soups, vegetable quiches, vegetable dishes and are terrific pickled and marinated.

Buy mushrooms from reliable sources. Wash carefully. Do not stand in water. This spoils the flavor. Just rinse and wipe with a wet cloth. If you do not use them immediately, sprinkle them with a little lemon juice. If the stalks are stringy and tough, just remove them and use the stalks for a soup base.
Today we are able to buy all kinds of mushrooms and you will have fun choosing a portabella for a grill, button mushrooms to marinate or bake, exotic mushrooms for delicate cooking and raw ones that are safe to eat.

The dried mushrooms are a boon and you will enjoy having them at home for unexpected meals. We have a company here Tekoa Mushroom Farm, that has amazing mushrooms and it is a pleasure to go into a supermarket and see the variety we can choose from daily.


4 oz button mushrooms, cleaned and sliced.
1/2 oz walnuts .pulverized in the blender.
Half a teaspoon of chopped red pepper.
One small chopped onion.
Fry onion until brown in one tablespoon olive oil
Add mushrooms, walnuts, red pepper, 3/4 teaspoon salt and 1 tsp sherry.
Fry gently for 7 minutes Remove to wooden board.
Chop until creamed. Add chili powder. Chill and serve on toast.

1 LB Mushrooms
1 tablespoon olive oil
2 cloves garlic
Half a cup olive oil
1 tablespoon lemon juice
2 tablespoons chopped parsley and half a teaspoon mixed herbs.

Place the washed and drained mushrooms in a deep bowl.
Heat the oil gradually and add all the ingredients. Mix well. Pour over the mushrooms and cover.
Refrigerate. When I have mixed it all gently, I place it in a jar and close it carefully. This is a good addition to a meal and excellent to use as a base for a salad.


1 lb Mushrooms. Wash and slice. Boil for three minutes in a little salted water.
Strain and cool. Take 4 Tablespoons of olive oil, 3 Tablespoons of lemon juice, 4 crushed garlic, half a teaspoon black pepper, quarter teaspoon salt, and mix all well. Add to mushrooms. Marinate 48 hours. Serve on buttered rye bread. This will keep fresh for 8 days in the fridge.


I like to bake mushrooms in the oven. Take two cups of washed and sliced mushrooms. Place them is a dish suitable for baking in the ovenץ
ןTake two chopped onions, three cloves of crushed garlic, 1/4 teaspoon of salt and 1/4 teaspoon of pepper and two teaspoons of lemon juice and pour over the mushrooms. Add one cup of boiling water. Put the lid on and bake in a medium oven for twenty minutes, remove the lid and grill for five minutes.. The liquid will keep the mushrooms moist. To serve, chop chives and sprinkle over the mushroom with two teaspoons of pine nuts.
This dish can be served on rice, a baked potato or on quinoa. This is an excellent filling for omelets and with a tofu dish.


1 lb mushrooms
1/4 cup of butter or olive oil.
3/4 cup of bread crumbs. Here I use crushed corn flakes.
1 tablespoon grated onion.
1/2 cup cream or 1 cup of thick yogurt.
Salt and pepper

Wash, drain and slice the mushrooms. Sauté in butter or olive oil until soft. Add crumbs and and seasoning. Simmer until browned. Place in buttered shallow dish and pour the cream or yogurt on top. Sprinkle a sprig of thyme. Pour a little milk on top and bake at 350 f for 20 minutes. Serve this over a pasta or cooked mashed pumpkin. Enjoy.


This is a spicy dish and a great one to serve with chutney, cut up banana sprinkled with lemon juice, raisins and coconut of the side.

3 cups of fresh washed and drained mushrooms. If large, slice them.
2 medium size onions.
3 medium size tomatoes.
1 yellow pepper.
6 small potatoes. 2 sweet potatoes.
1 tablespoon lemon juice.
1 dessertspoon curry powder.
Salt to taste.
1 teaspoon of grated ginger. If you do not have fresh ginger, soak the crystallized type in a little water and chop into little pieces
1 small chili. This is optional.

Wash, drain and cut up the mushrooms. Wash and peel the potatoes and sweet potatoes into cubes. Heat olive oil in a saucepan and fry the onions, ginger and yellow pepper that is chopped up. Allow to sizzle for a minute and then add the mushrooms, potatoes and chopped tomatoes. Mix well. Let it all cook on medium heat for twenty minutes. Check if potatoes' are soft. Add curry powder and lemon juice and simmer for 10 minutes more. Pour in half a cup of peas or cut up green onions. Stir through…and serve piping hot with rice.

Have a great time being creative in the world of food delights. Do not worry if there are mushrooms left over,. Just chop or place in blender and use as a spread.
Let all good things mushroom in your life.
Love and light. RONA

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Winter , colds and  chills.
We all have sniffles, sore throats and runny noses in Winter. The rooms are cold, the car is heated, the streets are icy and we are trying to keep warm.   When we visit the Doctors we are given many antibiotics and we need to realize they help but also  cause other problems.   Just try home remedies and use them daily.

Ginger, lemons, onions, honey, cinnamon, salt,  , garlic , natural fruits and healthy drinks should be part of the winter  foods in the home. You need good fruits and vegetables daily, the  products in SEASON. You must drink water even if you are not  as thirsty as we feel in summer.
Avoid over eating, heavy meals and too much dairy and fried, heavily spiced foods.

Begin the day with boiled water with a slice of lemon and a dash of honey . Drink green tea or herb teas. The  Sunrider teas with cinnamon, lemon and peach are good.  Have  ginger , freshly grated or a ginger dried cubes  in your tea or boiling water. Clears the throat and helps you feel warm immediately  I like ginger with a cup of tea, a few mint leaves and cinnamon.  You can use ginger if stir fry foods too.  Honey, cinnamon and hot milk are good replacements for caffeine and you  can use half milk and half boiling water. Great night time drink.  Nana tea, that is mint with boiling water and honey is a great evening tea. Also apple cider tea. Make green tea, add a cinnamon stick, two dried apple slices and a few cloves. Great to serve to guests You can use commercial but natural apple cider and jazz it up with  apples and and  two  cups of water
 Onion Tea  Cut two slices of onions into boiling water . Let it stand a few hours and sip  two tablespoons  every few hours  Clears the runny nose like a miracle.  I also like an onion near the computer, in the bedroom and kitchen .. Even a basket full naturally clears the air

Gargle a sore throat with salt water, but if it is burning, use the juice of a mandarin.. It is a  great tonic .
 Use garlic in soup, with onions, lots of greens and a little curry to make a warming soup. Use barley, lentils, split peas and dry beans that have been soaked overnight. Chickpeas are good too.
Have fresh salads with dressings of honey, natural olive oil, lemon and spices. Use herbs like parsley  mint, basil, oregano, geranium. lemon  leaves as natural flavoring.
 Natural oats can be cooked for a good breakfast or evening meal. great for kids with honey and cinnamon, or a dab of butter and raisins. Good for old folks too Easily digested at night.

Yogurt is a very good food. Use it at night Helps  you to have good sleep I love it in easy things like
TZATZIKI   250ml yogurt, two  grated cucumbers.,1-2 cloves garlic, 1/2 lemon salt and pepper to taste.   mix all and serve in a small soup bowl with a few mint leaves, hot pittas or wholewheat toast and enjoy.

YOGURT , walnuts and honey.
 Use this as a breakfast Mix one cup yogurt with two tablespoons  chopped walnuts and a teaspoon of honey  For a fuller meal add two tablespoons of muesli.   Great meal.

Yogurt for breakfast, chopped fruits in season and a dash of cinnamon.

Yogurt Cake 300 ml self raising flour, 3ml bicarb of soda, 125ml butter, 250 ml yogurt 3 eggs, teaspoon lemon juice,a  little grated lemon peel,.
Mix self raising flour and bicarb. In second bowl cream butter and sugar, beat in yogurt and eggs  yolks, one at a time.Add lemon juice and the zest  of the lemon peel.  Beat the egg whites  and add with flour and bicarb of soda. Pour in a greased baking dish and bake 180c for 45 minutes.  Cool and decorate with icing sugar mixed with cinnamon.  Delicious the egg whites.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

3 mins · 
How to raise your vibration! ~  ~

  • WriWet