Monday, January 26, 2009

hot vegetable meals


We often feel the need for hot, nourishing meals in winter and the idea of creating one that does not require hours ,is great.

Buy a selection of vegetables on Wednesdays, You can use the fresh ones for salads that day and steam some for Thursday. Plan the week end cooking. Soup can be made on Wednesday or Thursday and kept in the fridge. The vegetables for stews, quiches can be prepared and kept in the fridge too.

I plan to have a few main meals a week of salads that are fresh and served with baked potatoes, steamed or sautéed vegetables. You can use rice, couscous or pasta.
I like to steam sliced carrots, zucchinis, sweet potatoes cut very small, onions and garlic with a few chopped herbs of parsley and dill. You simply place them in a steamer and it takes less than ten minutes. I serve them with grated parmesan, feta or with a salad dressing poured over. You will find this filling and easy to digest. Any left overs just fall into the soup pot or blend them for the baby. Do not use too much garlic for the baby pureed food. For extra flavor add very little Marmite

The combination of vegetables is great but the idea of potatoes, carrots and pumpkins as a main dish works well. I often use baby squash, pumpkin or butternuts for a meal. I bake them and cut them in half.You can steam them and then fill them with a cup of crushed nuts, salt and pepper, feta cheese, cooked rice or wheat, sprinkle a little olive oil on top and bake them. Serve with pasta or simply whole wheat bread and butter.

For a quick treat sauté three cut up onions, two cups of fresh mushrooms, two cloves of garlic, with vegetable salt and pepper, in a little oil. Then add two cups of yogurt and on a low flame heat this with two tablespoons of grated cheese that you like, Add a cup of cut up chives or green onions, one yellow pepper and diced celery. This is great with baked potatoes or toast.

I love omelets filled with vegetables, Use two eggs for each person and beat them well. Use a large frying pan and make the omelets as usual. Just dice lots of parsley, a little oregano, diced onions and peeled tomatoes, salt and pepper. Pour over and slowly turn over. Serve with crushed whole wheat crackers and sunflower seeds on top. It looks scrumptious and tastes good. The idea of a great omelets has endless possibilities.
Asparagus, onion and cheese omelets are super.
Sweet corn, yellow cheese and crushed pecan nuts make a good treat.
Yellow and red peppers, peeled tomatoes and chick peas, onions and garlic cloves and cut up black olives are a good mix.
I often slice very thin lettuce into the mix at the end and it tastes good and looks fancy.
Mushrooms are terrific with eggs, Just cut them small and add to the omelets

EGG with Baked Beans.
You serve this dish with a bowl of mashed potatoes and kids love it as a meal.

One large tin of Baked Beans
6-7 eggs. Half a cup of milk or cream .Salt and pepper. One Tablespoon of chopped parsley. Two sliced peeled Tomatoes . Half a cup of grated cheese.

Heat the oven on medium. Take a baking dish and spread the beans in it. Crack the eggs into it and add seasoning and cream or milk. Bake for 15minutes Sprinkle the cheese on top and bake under the grill for a minute. Serve with the potatoes.


Chop washed spinach. You need three cups of spinach.
Half a cup of grated yellow cheddar cheese.
5 eggs.
One medium grated potato.
Salt to taste.
Half a cup of milk.
Two tablespoons olive oil.
Mix all ingredients Prepare a medium oven .Spread the ingredients into the greased dish.
Bake for thirty minutes . Serve hot .

Bake vegetables like pumpkin and potatoes, zucchini and egg plant. Steaming is an easy way to prepare beetroot, carrots, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, peas, beans and cauliflower.

Have a warm day and bring the outdoor in. Flowers like bulbs are great indoors. Just throw a few bulbs into the fridge for a day or two, and then leave them in water overnight. Place them in a vase with pebbles or stones in it. .
They will grow and you will love to watch the progress from bulb to bloom.

Thinking of your busy week and just ket it flow. Find time to put your feet up, smile and enjoy a hot drink with a batch of cookies. ]

Do not postpone is too short and full of surprises. Love and light RONA

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We love your emails. They are ful of sunshine & goodness.
You recipes are good too.