Wednesday, March 11, 2009



Passover is a great festival and the traditional way of sitting down to a Seder is so special. The candles, the wine, the Haggada and the traditional foods make this a wonderful meal. The Seder plate and the symbolic stories of our people, the songs and stories, create
memories that the children carry throughout their lives..

Rejoice that you are privileged to make the Seder. Prepare well and you will be surprised at how easy all of it can be.

Haggadahs. Make sure you have enough and in the language your guests need to be comfortable in and able to participate with the reading.

Table setting. Plan the tables and cloths, serviettes crockery and plates in your mind now. Have candles, wines, glasses and little gifts for the kiddies ready ahead of time. Sometimes a little toy that relates to the Seder can be useful with restless little ones.

Have a side table for the evening. Here you can have extra drinks, glasses, cups and tea for late in the evening.

Plan a dessert area. An easy way is to have two large trays, with the goodies, cookies and cakes on it. Keep it wrapped and it is ready for the day after too. Dried fruit, raisins, nuts and cookies are easy to prepare. Prepare compote and baked apples ahead of time .

I change the dishes for Passover, but find I never have enough for storage in the fridge and always need extra oven dishes. I buy dishes for baking and many different sizes for the fridge, extra plastic throw away plates and serviettes. I find that you can buy plastic dishes for very little cost in all sizes and if you choose two colors, it is easy for the milk and meat dishes. I also buy new kitchen cloths that co ordinate with the plastic colors.
Buy little glass jars that are useful for left over olives, chrain, jams, relishes and cucumbers or pickles.

Plan your shopping early and make sure that you have enough to create quick meals. In the recipes next week , I will give you ideas for matzo rolls, relishes and simple meals.

Have a good week and remember, the house wife has a lot to do, but involve the family,
they too can be part of the Passover preparations…

Love and light………………………………. Rona

PS. Do you need a special recipe? Let me know.

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